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C arrays and pointers

Last updated: October 31st, 2017

There are some pretty widespread misconceptions about arrays and pointers in C. Arrays and pointers are different but related things. I think the idea’s pretty easy to get, but you have to approach it the right way.

So, first, go read the post about Types and Objects.

Array types in C are complete object types, for the most part like any other object type. Recall that a complete object type describes a set of values and how they are represented in memory. An array type has an element type E and a bound N. Its values are sequences of N values of type E, and it stores them sequentially, one right after another.

So, for example, if you have a pointer to an array type (written in C’s somewhat baroque syntax as float (*)[10]), then what you have is a pointer to an array object consisting of 10 floats laid out sequentially.

The element type of an array can be any complete object type, meaning that it can itself be an array type. For example, the type int (*)[4][3] connotes a pointer to an array of 4 arrays of 3 ints each, which (by a simple application of that layout rule) has the same underlying layout as an array of 12 ints.

(Note that this produces a row-major (really an “outer-major”) layout for nested arrays, where a small change in an earlier index causes a large jump in addresses. This arises completely unavoidably from the rules of the language. However, it’s unfortunate for scientific programming because many algorithms are written assuming the column-major ordering used by languages such as Fortran which provide native multi-dimensional arrays; naively porting such algorithms to C can lead to catastrophically bad performance.)

By implication, it is impossible to directly express a “jagged” multi-dimensional array, where different elements have different lengths, because this would require the elements to have different types from each other.

Anyway, in terms of basic layout, array types are just normal complete object types, completely unrelated to pointers. But there are some special things about arrays:

First, the contexts that implicitly turn l-values into r-values turn array l-values into pointer r-values by taking the address of the first element. This is often called “array-to-pointer decay”. So an l-value of type int[4] will turn into an r-value of type int*, and similarly, an l-value of type float[4][10] will turn into an r-value of type float(*)[10]. These contexts include pointer-arithmetic operators: if you have a declared array like short x[8];, then x + 5 causes the array l-value on the left side to decay to a short*, which the operator then increases by 5 * sizeof(short). That’s also how subscripting works in C, since x[5] is defined to be the same as *(x + 5).

Second, since call arguments generally cause l-values to turn into r-values, and therefore turn arrays into pointers, it makes some sense to apply the same treatment to parameters. So if you have a function parameter declared as int p[10], this is treated exactly the same as int * in both the type of the function and the type of expressions that refer to p.

Finally, you don’t always have to give an explicit element count: you can have an incomplete array type like int[]. The meaning of this depends on the context. If a variable is declared with such a type but is given an explicit initializer, the number of elements will simply be inferred from the initializer. If a parameter is declared with such a type, the parameter type immediately decays to be a pointer like normal. Otherwise, incomplete array types are not complete object types and are subject to various restrictions on their use.